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It Takes Two: Dual Language Program


Parent with child walking to school

The first day of Kindergarten brought a mix of excitement and nervousness for Jessica Sublet and her son, Baylen. Originally from Montreal, Canada, and fluent in French, Jessica hoped Baylen would also learn to speak two languages. She was thrilled when she discovered Little Elm ISD offers bilingual education. 

Launched in 2009, Dual Language is one of the most sought after programs in the District, growing from 380 students in 2017 to 822 students in 2023. In a Dual Language class, native English and Spanish speakers receive content and language instruction in both languages. 

“Little Elm ISD has a two-way Dual Language program, which makes us very unique. There are two teachers in a classroom, and the students have what's called a bilingual pair, which is a classmate with whom they collaborate. It's an intensive collaboration between both of them, where they help each other through content, whether it's math, science, or social studies,” said Mariza Infante, Little Elm ISD Coordinator for Multilingual Learners. 

Dual Language students begin their journey in Kindergarten at one of three elementary schools: Brent, Hackberry, and Oak Point. These students continue bilingual classes through 5th grade. In middle school, they can take high school level Spanish. Advanced Placement Spanish classes are available in high school for students to earn college credit. 

In addition to the potential for college credit, another positive aspect of the program is the community it can provide. "Once your child is accepted into the program, the students in the class all stay together. Baylen is now in second grade and he has been with the same group of kids since Kindergarten, which is really nice. The parents will meet up, go on field trips, and attend classroom parties. It’s the same small community that follows each other, and I’ve become friends with a lot of the parents." she said.

Outside of the classroom, Jessica has witnessed Baylen's language skills flourish. On a fishing trip in Mexico this past summer, Baylen spoke confidently in Spanish with a boat captain, demonstrating the effectiveness of the Dual Language program. “I grew up bilingual, so I think the Dual Language program is really important,” she said. “The more languages you can speak, the better you can communicate with people.”

The Dual Language program stands as a testament to the power of bilingual education.  Through collaboration and a shared commitment to excellence, Little Elm ISD continues to pave the way for a brighter future. 

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